Life got busy again, but I ended up getting a switch and getting around to putting some serious time into the truck this past weekend.
First, was hooking up the new starter switch and ignition cylinder. All went well.
I hooked up the battery, turned the key to auxiliary, and the radio started blaring an AM sports channel loud and clear. I turned it to “start” and all I received was a clicking sound. The starter was engaging, and attempting to turn the engine. The serpentine belt was clearly shifting back and forth about a 1/16 of an inch or so, but not “turning over” by any means.
After the disappointing outcome, we put a breaker bar to the crank pulley, with a pipe, and could barely get it to turn. We did maybe one full rotation of the pulley and called it a day on that effort.
We then filled each cylinder to the brim with some used oil I had in jugs. It’s the most oil those cylinders have ever seen at one time.
Then it was on to moving it. I hooked my ‘76 F250 up the the front of the truck and pulled it forward onto the blacktop portion of my driveway. It drug the rear right tire the entire way in neutral.
So we lifted the rear end. Attempted to spin the left rear tire, it would not spin because the right rear was hung up. So we pulled the tire and the axle as well. Then the rear left would spin freely. So we knew it was the brakes on that side that were froze. I backed the adjuster all the way off and beat the snot out of the drum, but it was to no avail. That side would still not spin. But, while I had the tire off, I figured I might as well put a freshly painted rim there.
I also removed the light bar from the cab roof. So with one painted rim, no more light bar, and all cylinders full of oil, I’d say I got quite a bit accomplished on the old girl this weekend.
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