tail gate help!!!!

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tail gate help!!!!

Post by pattapit »

So, everyone... I bought a tailgate from a 71 or 72 from a pull a part anyways.. i couldn't figure out how to get it on.. so someone told me that I had to take off the holders.. put them into the slot.. put the tailgate on... open the tailgate.. and screw the holders on... does this sound feasible? because we tried that and it doesn't work.. I CAN"T FIGURE IT OUT!!!! the tail gate fits barely it is the right size.. it should work.. but i can't figure out how to get the lower holders in... PLEASE HELP.. i realize that this probably isn't very descriptive.. but you can get a general idea.. thank you
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re: tail gate help!!!!

Post by lobuck76 »

You want to start with one hinge (holder) bolted to the bed, doesn't really matter wich side, and the other hinge in your hand.

Slip the tailgate onto the attached hinge laying flat,(open position). Hold the loose side out a few inches.

Next, slip the unattached hinge into the hole in the bottom of the tailgate.

Raise the loose side of the tailgate about a foot or so.(still laying flat in open position). That will let it get behind the the corner of the bed.
Let it down easy and put the bolts in.

You can adjust the hinges in and out and up and down for alignment.

One person can install a tailgate pretty easy, But I would suggest a helper. You will be less likely to scratch anything if you have someone to help you hold it.
'71 F-100
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